Speaking of Communications

Communications Topics

Communications–Writing and Speaking

  • 20 Grammar Landmines
  • Surviving the Email Avalanche
  • Power Writing Tips
  • Tips for Presenting like a Pro

20 Grammar Landmines

Learn the top 20 writing mistakes that undermine your credibility. Many business people judge vendors by the quality of their written communication. Whether you are blogging, sending an e-mail or a writing report, one or more common grammar mistakes may booby-trap your acceptance by your audience.

Surviving the Email Avalanche

avalancheApproximately 88% of internet users work with e-mail. Almost no one in a corporate job is immune to this tool, and it is a blessing and a curse. Today nearly 50% of the e-mails sent need further clarification. Workers struggle every day to complete work tasks and deal with more communications than any generation has had to do. Yet, many do not understand how to use e-mail effectively.

Power Writing Tips

According to a recent survey of Canadian workers, 58 percent said they spend 2-4 hours daily reading e-mails, reports, memos and online text. That is a quarter to half of each workday! The same survey reported that they wasted productivity during these hours because of poor writing: 71 percent reported hearing complaints about writing quality, 63 percent noted writing errors, 70 percent claimed lost productivity as a result, and 85 percent say poor writing wastes time.

In a business environment where managers and employees are asked to do more in less time, successful companies must act. They must remedy non-productive activities that steal precious time from everyone’s schedules.

Tips for Presenting Like a Pro

The need to speak clearly and persuasively is so well known that research on the value of presentation skills in business is abundant. Everyone who takes a leadership role in a company will need to call on his or her communication skills to be successful. The ability to persuade is one of the cornerstones of advancement.

Managers and employees are expected to present information orally to their peers, their superiors and to those who answer to them. One of the skill sets the fast-track manager needs is the ability to influence by presenting ideas clearly and concisely. Whether selling a product to a customer, introducing an idea for the improvement of the company or presenting to an audience using slides and other visual aids, the presenter who acts like a pro has an advantage.

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