Transforming Dreams to Vision

Ever wonder how to transform dreams to visions? Wonder what is the difference? One of the secrets is writing down the dream so it does not get lost. Another is creating the vision.

We all have dreams. We remember some of our nightly dreams while forgetting others. Our images from sleep are clues to our deeper, richer inner life and are useful in helping us with sudden insights.
As children we were allowed to dream, but, as we move into adulthood, we are encouraged be more practical.

We still dream, but as adults these are different. The adult dreams reflect our wishes: I will be famous, successful, looked up to, admired.… These wish-fulfilling dreams are the norm, but we also have more conscious dreams. The more conscious dreams are an important component in living a creative life. Great art and scientific discoveries have emerged from these dreams as well as the motivation to pursue something important. These dreams can function to determine destinations and plot our life courses.

We have learned to express our dreams in casual conversations. How many times have you heard, “I’m going to write a book” or “I’ll try to finish organizing that closet” or “Let’s get together soon”?

Each of these comments expresses a wish. However, the speaker is—in most cases unconsciously—sending out an inauthentic message. Everyone’s ready to write a book until sitting down to do the writing. Scores of closets need re-arranging. A multitude of meetings are suggested without a date and time. Listen to how many unintended dreams we express daily. No wonder as adults we’re encouraged not to waste time dreaming.

There is, however, an important reason for dreaming. We can progress beyond the images and feelings to move these dreams into vision. A vision is different from a dream. According to Blanchard and Stoner in Full Steam Ahead, “Vision is knowing who you are, where you’re going and what will guide your journey.” These three principles mirror the Purpose-Powered Professional processes where participants discover “Who am I, What am I meant to become and Who am I meant to serve.”


The captain knows the workings of his ship as well as the nature of her spirit. By discovering who we are, we are able to know what makes up the vessel we are steering. We must understand our authentic selves by investigating strengths, aptitudes, interests and, most importantly, our values.

The ship captain cannot chart the journey without a destination. Learning who we are meant to become reveals a future picture of ourselves. We profit by seeing our goals achieved in this future. Effective planning begins at the end and works backward to set the tasks and their order.

Each vessel is built to a specific blueprint based on whether it will carry passengers, cargo or have another destiny. Our life purpose and how we will accomplish our vision are revealed in knowing whom we are meant to serve. Knowing our purpose leads us to those whom our services can benefit. These are the people who can best help us accomplish our goals by fulfilling theirs.

To make use of our dreams, we need to blend them into the fabric of our lives. This transformation enables us to set a clear destination and course and pursue our dreams based on our authentic values. Once this vision is clear, we are ready to articulate and operate consistently, to set sail on our great adventure.

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